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Summary: ‘Gays’ In The Army (Press, 2 August 1985)
In a letter published on 30 July 1985, Paul Maling responded to criticisms made by a radio commentator regarding his assertion about the nature of courage among ancient Greek soldiers. The commentator accused Maling of making an unfounded claim that the most valiant soldiers in ancient Greece were homosexual lovers. Maling clarified his position, stating that he was not presenting an opinion but rather reflecting the beliefs held by the ancient Greeks. He pointed out that the Sacred Band of Thebes, composed of pairs of lovers, exemplified this notion. Maling highlighted the squad’s historic achievements, noting their significant victories against the Spartans at the battles of Leuctra in 371 BC and again in 362 BC. He mentioned that the Sacred Band remained undefeated until 338 BC when they were ultimately defeated at Cheironeia, where all members fell together on the battlefield, side by side. Additionally, Maling drew parallels to modern military bonding, referencing the strong connections formed among paratroopers during intense combat in World War II. In contrast to these examples of camaraderie, he cited Lieutenant Colonel Angus Rivers, who opposed such bonding due to what he claimed were its “weakening effects.” Maling's letter encapsulated the ongoing debate about the relationship between personal connections and military effectiveness, invoking historical context to support his argument. The editor noted that this correspondence was now considered closed.
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