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Summary: ‘Gay’ Law Reform Meeting (Press, 2 August 1985)
On 2 August 1985, a public meeting to support the Homosexual Law Reform Bill is scheduled to take place in Christchurch on Monday evening. The meeting will feature Ms Fran Wilde, the Member of Parliament who introduced the bill, as the guest speaker. Organised by the Lesbian and Gay Rights Action Group, the event aims to inform the public about the implications of the bill for homosexual individuals. Ms Anne Barnes, a spokesperson for the group, noted the need to provide accurate information to the community. In addition to Ms Wilde, several other speakers are set to participate, including Mr Mark Vivian, an unordained Christian; Mr Martin Moodie, a unionist; Dr Peter Johnson, a representative from the A.I.D.S. Support Network; and Ms Annamarie Jagose, a member of the action group. The organisers anticipate around 500 attendees at the meeting, which will take place at the Horticultural Hall starting at 8 p.m.
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