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Summary: ‘Gays’ In The Army (Press, 24 July 1985)
In a letter published on 24 July 1985, Paul Maling defends the contributions of homosexuals to the military, citing historical examples of notable figures, such as Field-Marshal Lord Kitchener and General Gordon of Khartoum, who were homosexuals. He challenges the assertions made by Lieutenant-Colonel Angus Rivers regarding the negative impact of emotional ties from homosexual relationships, characterising Rivers's claims as "speculative nonsense." Maling recalls instances from history, such as the bravery of homosexual lovers in ancient Greece and observations from World War II, where he noted the presence of paired lovers among paratroopers from English, Canadian, and American units. He shares personal experiences from 1940, when he was stationed near a New Zealand Regular Army unit, highlighting how the soldiers' paired relationships contributed to their morale and effectiveness, contrasting with the idea that such ties weaken military performance. Maling emphasizes that this approach resulted in a gain in "single-minded efficiency" among the New Zealand soldiers. He further mentions a similar arrangement at Fort Dorset, which was disrupted by a media scandal, implying that societal pressures can negatively influence military dynamics. The letter advocates for the acceptance of homosexuals in the military, asserting that their presence does not detract from, but can enhance, military capability and cohesion.
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