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Summary: Artist Fined Over Tv Bomb Hoax (Press, 10 July 1985)
During Telethon weekend in 1985, a bomb scare in Auckland led to a significant emergency response, as reported in the District Court. Duncan Sheamus Evan Lucas, a 24-year-old graphic artist from Grey Lynn, caused alarm when he informed a security guard that he was planting a bomb in protest against various social issues, including apartheid, drunken Australians, incidents involving rugby players, and proposed homosexual law reform. Judge McLean presided over the case, during which it was revealed that Lucas had been found in a dark stairwell of the Hobson Street Television New Zealand studio, holding a bag and carrying his shoes over his shoulder. At 12.5 a.m. on June 30, the security guard approached Lucas after noticing his suspicious behaviour. Lucas claimed his bag contained a bomb intended for the petrol storage tanks but assured the guard that no one would be harmed. Upon inspection, the security guard discovered two packages in the bag that appeared to be explosive devices, one of which emitted a ticking sound. The police were called to the scene, and Lucas did not immediately confirm whether the bomb was a hoax. As the situation developed, an explosives expert was summoned, and surrounding streets were cleared for safety. Ultimately, it was determined that the device was indeed a hoax. In court, Lucas pleaded guilty and was fined $250 plus $35 in costs. Senior-Sergeant D.W. Somerville revealed that Lucas's intention was to highlight social issues that he felt were being ignored by authorities, emphasising his desire for people's voices to be acknowledged.
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