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Summary: “On Your Marks” (Press, 27 June 1985)
In a letter to the editor dated 26 June 1985, Jeff Boyd expressed concern over a cartoon published in the same issue that depicted the arms race. Boyd pointed out that the cartoon illustrated 25 recognisable symbols associated with the Soviet Union compared to only five symbols representing the United States. He questioned the balance of the representation in the cartoon, suggesting it favoured the portrayal of the U.S.S.R. He expressed his views to clarify that he was not attempting to downplay the seriousness of the arms race, but rather to highlight what he perceived as an imbalance in the representation of the two superpowers in the editorial content. Boyd also made light of his own affiliations, mentioning that he had previously worn a Hart badge and engaged amicably with the gay community, which he felt might cause readers to judge his intentions. Overall, his letter served as a critique of the cartoon's depiction and a call for a more balanced representation in media commentary regarding international issues.
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