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Summary: ‘Some Falsely Believe They Are Gay’ (Press, 4 June 1985)
On 4 June 1985, Professor Paul Mullen, chairman of the Otago Medical School’s department of psychological medicine, expressed concerns regarding the impact of existing laws on men’s perceptions of their sexual identity. He argued that these laws inadvertently lead some individuals to wrongly believe they are homosexual, creating significant distress and confusion, particularly among adolescents navigating their sexual identities. Professor Mullen noted that many young people become anxious and fearful of the possibility of being homosexual, but with proper counselling and guidance, they often realise that their feelings stem from anxiety or a lack of understanding regarding normal sexual desires rather than true homosexual inclinations. He highlighted that some individuals, due to societal pressures and the stigma surrounding homosexuality, continue to identify as homosexual throughout their lives and may even act in ways consistent with that identity. He emphasised that better access to counselling could allow these individuals to lead more fulfilling heterosexual lives. Citing his experience as a general psychiatrist, Professor Mullen remarked on the distress encountered in patients who feel trapped by their sexual identity because of restrictive laws. The professor further asserted that when laws regarding homosexuality were made more liberal, it provided individuals with the opportunity to seek appropriate support. He pointed out that the stigma and illegality surrounding homosexuality fostered fear, which could lead to depression and suicidal thoughts in those with predominantly homosexual inclinations. Additionally, Professor Mullen addressed misconceptions about homosexuality, particularly the unfounded belief that homosexuals are more likely to exhibit abnormal or perverse interests in children. He clarified that the proposed legislation he was discussing would not exempt homosexual individuals from existing laws that protect children and adults against sexual misconduct. Overall, Professor Mullen aimed to challenge mistaken perceptions about homosexuality and advocate for a more understanding and supportive approach towards sexual identity issues, recognising the complexities of human behaviour.
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