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Y.w.c.a. Backs 'gay’ Reform (Press, 3 June 1985)

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Summary: Y.w.c.a. Backs 'gay’ Reform (Press, 3 June 1985)

On 3 June 1985, the Young Women’s Christian Association (Y.W.C.A.) publicly declared its support for the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, characterising the issue as a matter of human rights. This announcement came from Mrs Joyce Herd, the national president, following the organisation's nineteenth quadrennial convention. Mrs Herd expressed concern about the discrimination faced by homosexuals in various aspects of life, including employment and housing. The Y.W.C.A. plans to actively support the proposed amendment to the Human Rights Commission Act and intends to communicate its position by sending an open letter to all members of Parliament. In related developments, the Gay Task Force reported a rise in requests from individuals wishing to withdraw their names from a petition opposing the law reform. This shift in sentiment was reportedly influenced by alarming comments made by a member of the anti-reform faction who suggested implementing the death penalty for homosexual acts. Mr Bill Logan, the co-ordinator of the Gay Task Force, noted that many people reconsidered their stance after understanding the extreme motives behind the opposition. The task force is guiding those who wish to disassociate themselves from the petition to contact Ms Fran Wilde, the bill's sponsor and member for Wellington Central, to request that their names be disregarded in the petition's examination. Additionally, Mr Logan mentioned that some individuals had been urged by petitioners to sign multiple times.

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Publish Date:3rd June 1985