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Summary: Gathering Of Women At Decade’s End (Press, 29 May 1985)
Hundreds of women from across New Zealand are set to gather in Christchurch for a festival that commemorates the conclusion of the International Decade for Women. Scheduled events will kick off on the evening of Friday, 31 May 1985, beginning with a public opening at the Christchurch Town Hall. Notable speakers at the event will include Mrs Ann Hercus, the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Dr Gail Radford, who is the director of the Australian Equal Opportunity Employment Bureau, and Dame Miriam Dell, the president of the International Council of Women. The opening will feature a specially written poem for women, which will be performed by Keri Hulme accompanied by music. On Saturday, the festival will host 74 workshops at Christchurch Teachers’ College, covering a diverse range of topics such as pregnancy and childbirth, psychodrama, women’s legal rights, lesbian issues, and stress management. An interfaith service is planned for Sunday morning in the Teachers’ College auditorium, which will commence with an Indian candle-lighting ceremony. On Monday, delegates attending the festival will be able to enjoy a variety of activities, including rural tours, walks at locations such as Onawe Peninsula, Weka Pass, and McIntosh Beach, as well as horse trekking, small-bore rifle shooting, and rock climbing. The festival will also showcase photographs and arts and crafts throughout the weekend. Mrs Grace Hollander, the convener of the organising committee, reported that while registrations had started slowly, they were now coming in at a rate exceeding 100 per day. The opening session at the Town Hall will be limited by the capacity of the venue, but the organisers have also imposed participant limits on some workshops, with restrictions set at 20 or 30 attendees. Mrs Hollander expressed optimism about the turnout, stating, “It looks as though we are going to get a good crowd.”
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