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Summary: Students’ Council Supports ‘gay’ Reform Bill (Press, 22 May 1985)
On 22 May 1985, the University Students' Association expressed strong support for the Homosexual Law Reform Bill during their May Council meeting at Lincoln College. The delegates voted unanimously in favour of the bill, particularly endorsing the proposed age of consent of 16 years, which would apply equally to homosexuals and heterosexuals. In addition to the age of consent, the association supported measures in the bill aimed at providing equal protection for youths and girls against sexual molestation and abuse, as well as the prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation. Two key remits addressing the rights of homosexuals were passed by the council. The first remit advocated for affirmative action measures, which included the establishment of positions for homosexual representation within student and other organisations, and the formation of lesbian and "gay-only" clubs and activities. It also called for the outlawing of materials that incite hatred towards homosexuals. The second remit was a condemnation of the tactics used by opposing groups who had campaigned against the bill, describing their actions as "hysterical, ill-informed, and homophobic." The association highlighted the detrimental impact that the opposition’s campaign was having on individuals, particularly the heightened risks of hatred and violence against the homosexual community. Ms Jessica Wilson, the president of the association, reinforced the argument for setting the same age of consent for homosexuals as for heterosexuals, asserting that if society allows heterosexuals of a specific age to make sexual decisions, there is no justification for treating homosexuals differently. The student organisations collaborated with homosexual groups to advocate for the bill, reflecting a collective concern for the wellbeing of individuals affected by the ongoing debate. Overall, the University Students' Association took a clear stance in favour of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, emphasizing the importance of equality, protection against discrimination, and a call for respectful dialogue regarding issues of sexual orientation.
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