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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 17 May 1985)
On 17 May 1985, various letters to the editor were published, reflecting conflicting views surrounding the Homosexual Law Reform Bill in New Zealand. A letter from Varian J. Wilson expressed strong opposition to homosexuality, labelling homosexuals as "grossly aberrant" and suggesting that supporting their rights undermines heterosexual norms. Wilson dismissed the idea of consenting adults in private, arguing that this stance fails to consider the societal pressures faced by heterosexuals. He claimed that he has witnessed hostility from homosexuals towards heterosexuals, particularly women, and felt no changes in legislation would amend this. In contrast, B. M. Hayward expressed shock at an advertisement in "The Press" that urged New Zealand to defend itself against homosexual practices, comparing its rhetoric to that used by Hitler during World War II to demonise minorities. Hayward questioned whether this was the direction New Zealand wanted to take. Ross Edgar voiced concern over similar advertisements that target homosexuals, arguing they would not be tolerated if aimed at other minority groups. He stressed the importance of allowing gay individuals to live within the law and highlighted the potential harm such adversarial attitudes could inflict on young people grappling with their sexuality. Kenneth Wuen challenged the arguments of anti-reform advocate Norman Jones, who cited fears of AIDS to justify opposing the bill. Wuen pointed out the contradiction in Jones's position when he called for the withdrawal of funding from the AIDS Support Network Trust Board, suggesting that if Jones genuinely cared about limiting the disease, he would support such initiatives instead. Lastly, Keith Wignall commented on the role of religion, suggesting that while the Christian faith has been historically useful, its survival does not equate to truth. He argued that morality should be based on actions being judged as right or wrong, and that the bill simply aims to promote equality rather than legislate morality. Wignall contended that it was the Christian activists seeking to impose their values into the law. The discussion highlights a significant societal divide over the issues of homosexuality, human rights, and moral legislation in New Zealand during 1985, reflecting broader cultural debates of the period.
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