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Summary: Claims On ‘gay’ Rights Education Dismissed (Press, 13 May 1985)
In Wellington, Education Minister Mr Marshall has dismissed claims made by opponents of homosexual law reform regarding the contents of a new health syllabus for schools. These claims, publicised by the Coalition of Concerned Citizens through a series of newspaper advertisements, raised concerns about what children would be taught concerning homosexuality. The advertisements posed three questions that suggested children at various educational levels would learn that homosexual relationships are a valid and healthy lifestyle, that self-discovery involves embracing homosexual desires, and that birth control is irrelevant in same-sex relationships. Mr Marshall refuted these claims, stating that the assertion that the new syllabus promotes a positive view of homosexual relationships is unfounded. He clarified that the exact phrase "homosexual relationships are a valid, positive, and healthy alternative lifestyle" does not appear in any educational materials developed by the Education Department. Furthermore, he outlined that while the revised health syllabus includes elements of sex education for students in Forms 1 and above, there is no such formal education for children before that age. He further elaborated that while secondary schools have more freedom in determining their sex education content, school principals and boards of governors remain accountable to their communities, which influences their educational decisions. Mr Marshall warned that inflammatory and inaccurate statements from opponents of the homosexual law reform only serve to undermine their credibility and dilute the seriousness of their arguments.
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