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Summary: Church Repeats Homosexual Law Reform Support (Press, 3 May 1985)
On 3 May 1985, the Methodist Church reaffirmed its advocacy for the reform of homosexual law, particularly in light of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. The Rev. Albert Grundy, the district superintendent of North Canterbury Methodist Churches, communicated this sentiment in a letter to "The Press." He acknowledged that while individual parishes had the right to oppose the bill, the Church's conference had consistently backed reform for the past 25 years. Grundy noted that the president of the Methodist Church had expressed support for the decriminalisation of private homosexual acts. He emphasised that although such legislative changes did not determine the moral standing of these acts, they would effectively remove homosexuals from a criminal classification. This reform, he argued, would foster a more humane and understanding perspective of homosexuals within society, shifting it away from one marked by judgement and indignation. Additionally, the president articulated that the legalisation of private homosexual acts should not be seen as a threat to family life, which he regarded as essential to Christian marriages. He asserted that the true way to fortify family structures lies in enhancing marriages rather than in criminalising homosexual actions.
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