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Summary: Many Put Views On Reform Bill (Press, 2 May 1985)
On 2 May 1985, it was reported that the Parliamentary select committee examining the Homosexual Law Reform Bill had received over 2000 submissions and letters in response to the proposed legislation. The private member's bill aims to decriminalise homosexual acts between consenting adults aged 16 and above. With the deadline for submissions having closed the previous Friday, the Statutes Revision Committee is set to begin its hearings the following week. Mr Gerry Rudd, the committee’s clerk, noted that around 500 submissions have been formally processed so far, with expectations that the processing would be completed shortly. A preliminary assessment indicated that submissions included more than 1000 individual letters. Dr Michael Cullen, the chairman of the Statutes Revision Committee, mentioned that approximately 150 individuals expressed their desire to present evidence in person to the committee regarding the bill. In order to manage the extensive number of submissions, the committee may group witnesses who have provided identical submissions. Dr Cullen anticipated that it would take several weeks to complete the hearings. Additionally, he indicated that if the hearings were not finished before the scheduled Parliamentary recess in June, the committee may consider convening for two or three days during the recess to continue their work on the bill.
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