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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 26 April 1985)
In a letter addressed to the editor, A. D. Carstairs discussed the ongoing opposition by some Christians to homosexual law reform, referencing a letter by Mamie Barrell dated April 22. Carstairs expressed the paradox of claiming to love individuals while simultaneously wishing to keep them classified as criminals due to their expressions of love. He noted a growing awareness among Christians regarding the conflicting nature of this stance. Carstairs highlighted that the recent conference of Catholic bishops did not support Cardinal Williams’s personal opposition to the bill, suggesting a shift in attitudes within the church. Furthermore, he quoted the Cardinal's condemnation of the use of Catholic congregations by those opposing reform, characterising them as "captive petition-signers" used by "rednecked" opponents. This statement received significant media coverage on television and radio on April 19, 1985, though Carstairs pointed out that it was curiously absent from coverage in "The Press." The letter underscores the tension between traditional Christian beliefs and evolving views towards homosexuality, signalling a potential change in the church's engagement with social issues.
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