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Summary: Church And State (Press, 24 April 1985)
In a letter published in response to the editorial stance of the "Tablet" regarding the appointment of a churchman to a secular position, Alistair Gardner critiques the editor's opposition, highlighting a perceived inconsistency. Gardner notes that the editor, who is against the churchman's appointment, is also a prominent opponent of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. He argues that this bill seeks to maintain a secular legal perspective, yet the movement against it aims to impose religiously-based moral standards onto secular laws. Gardner references Cardinal Williams' forthcoming appearance before a select committee reviewing the Homosexual Law Reform Bill as an example of the Catholic Church asserting its belief in the authority of its moral codes over secular legislation. He challenges John Kennedy, the editor, to apply his reasoning consistently and to denounce the Cardinal for blurring the lines between secular matters and religious ones. In his conclusion, Gardner reiterates that while Kennedy correctly identifies the potential societal detriment in conflating sacred and secular spheres, it is regrettable that he does not heed his own advice. The letter underscores the tension between religious influence and secular governance in the context of moral debates within society.
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