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Summary: Tvnz Series 'modified’ (Press, 24 April 1985)
Television New Zealand's planned drama series about the Salvation Army is not being scrapped, according to producer John Whitwell, who made the announcement on 24 April 1985. There had been earlier reports suggesting that the 44-part series faced cancellation due to the Salvation Army's opposition to the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. However, Whitwell clarified that the project will continue but in a modified format. The revised series is set to focus on issues relating to a community house and will involve various community welfare groups, rather than centring solely on the Salvation Army. Whitwell expressed hope that the Salvation Army would still participate in the series, recognising the valuable work it does within the community. The decision to modify the series came as a response to public backlash against the proposed law reform and reflected the corporation's desire to avoid taking a strong political stance. Whitwell noted that the production is required to remain neutral and not advocate for any particular viewpoint. Initially, there had been criticism that the series overly emphasised the Salvation Army while neglecting other equally important welfare organisations. Filming for the yet-untitled drama is scheduled to commence in October or November, with an anticipated screening date in February 1986.
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