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Summary: ‘Gay’ Petition Idea (Press, 23 April 1985)
Residents of Riccarton Borough may soon encounter petitions both for and against homosexual law reform in their council offices. This opportunity arose following a proposition made by Cr Mervyn Cooper during a meeting of the council’s community affairs committee. Cr Cooper expressed that the committee should take an interest in the ongoing discussions regarding the proposed law reform, framing the subject as a “community challenge.” He proposed that a petition opposing the bill be made available in the council offices, providing ratepayers an avenue to voice their opinions on the matter. Importantly, the council clarified that it would not advocate for either side of the issue; it would simply facilitate public expression of views. Cr Brian Harman supported the initiative, provided that petitions reflecting both perspectives were accessible. This proposal will be further deliberated by the council. In addition to the petitions, there was discussion regarding the establishment of a display board for public notices. The topic arose after concerns were raised about the prevalence of litter from posters in Riccarton. A representative from the University of Canterbury Students’ Association mentioned the lack of designated areas for poster displays in the borough, prompting the council to consider implementing such a facility. Furthermore, the council is currently contemplating enhancements to the Riccarton Town Hall. The committee discussed proposed improvements, which are anticipated to cost around $60,000. This proposal has been sent back to the borough engineer for additional information prior to any decision being made. Additionally, Riccarton has received a financial allocation of $535,820 from the joint vehicle testing station at Sockburn. This sum represents a share of the profits accrued over the last two decades, which have been distributed among the participating authorities. Of this amount, the Waimairi District Council is set to receive $319,099, and the Paparua County Council will obtain $195,081. Riccarton’s share will contribute to its general fund, providing further financial support for local services and initiatives.
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