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Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 17 April 1985)

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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 17 April 1985)

In a letter dated 15 April 1985, K. Orr commended Cardinal Williams for his critical stance against legislation deemed harmful to family values and life. Orr emphasised the importance of the State's role in safeguarding the common good, pointing out that one of society's core objectives is the preservation and promotion of traditional family structures and child-rearing practices. The letter raised concerns regarding the declining birth rate, stating that it poses a threat to societal continuity. Orr argued that allowing sodomy to be recognised as a human right and equating the legal status of homosexuality with that of heterosexuality could undermine family integrity and societal survival. The author warned that such acceptance could lead to further legal recognitions, including the possible legitimisation of homosexual marriages, adoption rights for gay couples, and the inclusion of homosexuality in school curricula as a valid lifestyle choice. Orr questioned whether this direction is what society should aim to uphold and pass on to future generations, expressing a desire to protect traditional family values in the face of shifting legal and social norms.

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Publish Date:17th April 1985