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Summary: Bill ‘misrepresented’ (Press, 17 April 1985)
On 17 April 1985, Dr. D. W. McMorland, a senior lecturer in law at Auckland Law School and one of the draughtsmen of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, addressed misrepresentations surrounding the bill's contents. He refuted claims made by opponents that, if passed, the bill would allow for sexual acts involving 12-year-old boys and 20-year-old men, calling the assertion false. Dr. McMorland clarified that the Bill mirrors existing laws concerning carnal knowledge, which have been a staple of New Zealand law for many years. He explained that the law currently prohibits sexual intercourse with girls under the age of 16, irrespective of consent. However, it does allow for a strict defence if the male involved is under 21. Dr. McMorland emphasised that this defence is limited, stressing that for a male to be acquitted, it must be convincingly shown that he believed the girl was 16 years or older. Consequently, he dismissed the notion that the new legislation would expose 12-year-olds to risks from older men as unfounded. Dr. McMorland's comments aimed to affirm the safety and effectiveness of the longstanding carnal knowledge laws, asserting that there was no pressing need for change. He insisted the Homosexual Law Reform Bill adhered closely to these existing legal frameworks and that the fears propagated by its opponents lacked a solid basis in reality.
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