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Summary: Debate Favours Reform (Press, 17 April 1985)
On 17 April 1985, a debate held at the Otago Boys’ High School auditorium in Dunedin revealed significant support for the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, championed by Ms Fran Wilde, a Labour MP from Wellington Central. The event hosted a predominantly young audience of 465 people, two-thirds of whom expressed their endorsement for Wilde’s private member’s bill and the arguments presented by her supporters. The televised debate included four of the eight participants and was organised as part of TVNZ's "Sunday" programme. Advocating for the bill alongside Ms Wilde was Dr Ian Scott, an Auckland-based gay rights activist. They were opposed by Mr Geoff Braybrooke, the Labour MP for Napier, and Mr John Kennedy, the editor of the Catholic publication "Tablet." Throughout the debate, the audience exhibited minimal disruptions, showcasing a respectful environment. However, when hissing attempted to undermine Braybrooke’s remarks against the bill, he successfully requested unbiased attention, which was granted. Mr Alastair Carthew, the editor of the “Sunday” programme, commented on the usual practice of prerecording debates to mitigate disruption, indicating that the potential for audience interference led to a more cautious approach in this instance. The overall positive reception from the audience in support of the bill suggests a shifting attitude towards the reform of laws related to homosexuality in New Zealand during this period.
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