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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 16 April 1985)
In a letter published on 16 April 1985, Gabriel Alston addresses the pervasive negative attitudes towards the gay community, responding to the criticism they face. Alston emphasises that gay individuals are integral members of society, highlighting their familial ties to those who may denounce them. He asserts that homosexuals are not outsiders but rather an integral part of family units, encompassing brothers, sisters, and parents. Alston urges those who identify as Christians, who often speak ill of the gay community, to consider the emotional toll their words inflict on their own gay relatives. He argues that such unkind remarks contribute to family discord instead of upholding the family values they claim to protect. Alston calls for greater understanding and acceptance, expressing his desire for honest, loving relationships within families. He expresses hope that the discourse surrounding homosexuality can shift towards compassion and recognises the importance of trust when openly sharing one’s sexuality.
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