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Summary: Moral Issues (Press, 1 April 1985)
In a letter to the editor published on 1 April 1985, a correspondent named J. Sharp expressed concerns about the Salvation Army's focus on specific moral issues, particularly its campaign against homosexual law reform. Sharp acknowledged the positive aspects of the Salvation Army's engagement in moral debates but warned that credibility could be compromised if the organisation seemed to prioritise one issue over others. The letter referenced Patricia Bartlett's long-standing fight against the sale of pornographic literature, highlighting her limited backing from other churches. Additionally, Sharp pointed out that anti-vivisection advocates have argued for the church's support in condemning animal experimentation as being morally wrong. Sharp encouraged the Salvation Army to expand its moral campaign to include a broader range of issues, suggesting that by doing so, it could present itself as a more genuinely inclusive and principled organisation rather than appearing to target a single group with perceived bigotry. The letter implied that a more comprehensive approach to morality would benefit the Salvation Army's reputation and its mission.
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