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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 23 March 1985)
In response to Dick Beauchamp's objection regarding the term "gay," Paul Maling offers a perspective on the etymology and appropriate usage of the word in a letter published on 20 March 1985. Maling notes that "gay" originates from the sixteenth-century French word "gaie," which historically referred to a homosexual man and has connotations of being merry, cheerful, lively, and pleasant. He argues that this definition makes it a fitting descriptor. Maling contrasts this with the term "bugger," which he explains comes from the French "bougre," derived from the medieval Latin "Bulgarus," referring to Bulgarians. He highlights the linguistic evolution that has led to its current pronunciation in English. Furthermore, Maling emphasises the cultural implications of using such terms, suggesting that equating New Zealanders to Bulgarians or making sweeping generalisations about ethnic identities, such as calling Maoris Pakehas, could invite scrutiny from the Race Relations Conciliator. In summary, Maling defends the use of "gay" while cautioning against derogatory labels that may misrepresent identity.
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