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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 22 March 1985)
In a correspondence to a publication dated 22 March 1985, multiple writers expressed opinions regarding the topic of homosexuality, invoking both legal and Christian perspectives. Mrs. Joyce Evans from Mapua referenced Ralph Knowles' comments on the Biblical approach to sin, particularly regarding a woman taken in adultery. Evans argued that while the law may or may not consider homosexuality a crime, from a Christian viewpoint, it is viewed as sin, asserting that Christ did not condone sin and urging Knowles to clarify whether he was addressing secular law or Christian values. John Pollard expressed his dissenting view, suggesting that not all homosexuals engage in the same behaviours, using humour to criticise the use of English terminology related to homosexuality. He proposed that men should adopt names inspired by historical figures and related words to return to a perceived respectfulness in language, creating a whimsical scenario where queens and their actions are romanticised. Lastly, Paul J. Spicer presented a more analytical take, stating that through thorough study of literature on homosexuality, he concluded that homosexual love cannot be categorically judged as right or wrong, much like heterosexual love. He argued that the motivations behind expressions of love in both orientations can be equally valid or invalid, reflecting a view that society has demonstrated through its evolution. These letters showcase a range of attitudes towards homosexuality, reflecting the complexity of moral, legal, and personal perspectives during the mid-1980s.
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