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Summary: 'Gay-bashing’ Feared (Press, 15 March 1985)
The Gay Taskforce has expressed concerns that the campaign and petition against homosexual law reform could lead to an increase in violence against the gay community, as stated by spokesman Bill Logan. He highlighted that the dissemination of myths and misleading information regarding homosexuality could incite individuals with unbalanced views to engage in acts of aggression towards gay individuals. A recent survey revealed alarming statistics, indicating that 42 per cent of homosexuals had experienced threats of violence. Furthermore, half of those surveyed were aware of individuals who had been assaulted, with 21 per cent knowing victims who had suffered injuries from weapons. Logan condemned the rise in anti-homosexual sentiment, particularly from those who, while claiming to uphold Christian values, seem to foster an environment of fear and violence towards the gay community. He pointed to a troubling trend of assaults that have occurred since the survey, including a serious incident where a young man required hospitalisation due to an attack. The Homosexual Law Reform Bill was introduced in Parliament by Fran Wilde, the member for Wellington Central, just a week prior. In opposition to this bill, four members of Parliament initiated a petition aiming to gather a million signatures against the proposed reforms.
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