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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 13 March 1985)
In a letter to the editor, Ralph Knowles reflects on the apparent silence of church leaders regarding law reform, particularly in relation to homosexuality. He suggests that this reticence might stem from an effort to emulate the example set by Jesus Christ. Knowles points out that Jesus did not explicitly address homosexuals or homosexual acts in His teachings. However, he draws attention to a significant moment in the New Testament where Jesus confronted the legalistic approach of the scribes and Pharisees. When they brought a woman accused of adultery to Him, demanding her punishment under the law, Jesus responded by stating, “Neither do I condemn you,” which indicates that not all sins need to be criminalised. Knowles argues that while the church may choose to view certain acts, like homosexuality, as sinful according to their teachings, it does not necessarily follow that such actions should remain criminal offences. He implies that the church could take a more compassionate stance, recognising the distinction between sin and crime as demonstrated by Jesus in His teachings. The letter encapsulates a call for the church to reconsider its position on the relationship between morality and legality, suggesting a need for reform in how society views and legislates moral issues. The letter is dated 12 March 1985.
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