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Summary: Young Nats Back Bill (Press, 12 March 1985)
On 12 March 1985, the Canterbury-Westland Young Nationals expressed their support for the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, but with a significant caveat: they proposed raising the legal age for consensual homosexual relationships from 16 to 20 years. The chairman of the group, Mr Nick Smith, articulated the local Young Nationals' stance by asserting that while they found the existing laws to be unacceptable, they felt that individuals aged 16 lacked the necessary sexual maturity to make informed decisions regarding homosexuality. He pointed out that the decision to engage in homosexual activity was a profound one, comparing its importance to the right to vote, which is granted at age 18. According to Smith, establishing the legal age for consensual homosexual relations at 20 would be more appropriate, reflecting the seriousness of the decision involved.
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