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Summary: Labour Youth Supports Bill (Press, 11 March 1985)
On 11 March 1985, Mr Callum Reid, the president of Labour Youth, spoke in favour of a bill aimed at decriminalising homosexual acts between consenting adults in New Zealand. This bill, introduced by Wellington Central MP Ms Fran Wilde, reflects a significant shift in societal attitudes, according to Reid, who asserted that the current laws are outdated and no longer align with modern views on homosexuality. He emphasised the need for New Zealanders, regardless of their sexual orientation, to live without punitive moral legislation. Reid called for the New Zealand Parliament to amend the existing laws since discrimination against the homosexual community has become socially unacceptable. He also advocated for a standard age of consent of 16 years, affirming that this should apply equally to both heterosexual and homosexual relationships to maintain consistency in laws governing sexual conduct. Reid expressed disappointment that the Government had not taken a more proactive stance on such crucial law reforms, highlighting Labour Youth's support for the proposed changes.
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