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Summary: The Day In Parliament (Press, 9 March 1985)
On 9 March 1985, Mr Palmer, the Leader of the House, detailed the upcoming parliamentary schedule during a session that began at 9.30 a.m. He announced that discussions regarding estimates for various ministers, including Defence, Energy, Works and Development, Employment and Immigration, Internal Affairs, Customs, and Housing, were set for Tuesday and Thursday of that week. On the remaining days, the focus would be on legislative debates, while Wednesday afternoons were earmarked for private members’ notices of motion. During this session, members introduced a total of 21 notices of motion, and ministers responded to 12 questions from the floor. A significant highlight was the introduction of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill by Ms Fran Wilde, representing the Labour Party for Wellington Central. This private member’s bill was passed with a vote of 51-24 and was subsequently referred to the Statutes Revision Committee for further consideration. Additionally, the interrupted debate on the combined third reading of several bills, including the Evidence Amendment Bill, the Summary Proceedings Amendment Bill (No. 2), and the Law Practitioners’ Amendment Bill, resumed and was successfully concluded. Following this, the House adjourned at 12.58 p.m.
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