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Summary: London's Elderly Gays Surveyed (Press, 2 January 1985)
On 2 January 1985, the "Daily Mail" reported that social workers in London have been instructed by the Lambeth Council to investigate the sexual orientations of elderly individuals they visit. This directive comes from a working group focused on homosexual issues within the council, which is led by Mr Ted Knight, a prominent advocate for homosexual rights and a Marxist figure. The primary responsibility of the social workers typically includes ensuring that the elderly are well-fed and comfortable; however, they are now also required to determine whether any of their clients are homosexual men or lesbian women. To facilitate this process, a questionnaire has been distributed to the staff. The first question asks if any of their clients identify as homosexual men or lesbians. If they respond "no," the next question prompts them to explain how they arrived at this conclusion. Conversely, if they answer "yes," they must specify what measures are being taken to support these individuals. The form also inquires whether the elderly individuals face any unique challenges related to their sexual orientation. The council clarifies that social workers are expected to complete the questionnaire based on their existing knowledge of the clients rather than directly interrogating the elderly individuals about their sexual orientations. This policy has drawn criticism from some quarters. Mrs Gloria Hutchens, who serves as a spokesperson for the Conservative party in social services, expressed her disapproval, labelling the initiative as "outrageous." She emphasised that the elderly population should be prioritised for care, rather than subjected to invasive questions regarding their private lives.
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