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Summary: A.I.D.S. Insurance (Press, 2 January 1985)
On 2 January 1985, it was announced that insurance policies specifically covering Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) would be available for sale in California starting next month. The Coastal Insurance Company, based in Santa Monica, revealed plans to promote these policies through advertisements in magazines aimed at the homosexual community. The annual premiums for these insurance policies are expected to be under US$200, which is approximately NZ$415. The policies are designed to offer coverage for medical expenses related to AIDS, providing up to US$78,000, which equates to about NZ$161,000. The vice-president of Coastal Insurance Company, Jim Hotinger, expressed optimism about the potential demand for the policies, anticipating that they could sell around 30,000 policies to Californians within a six-month timeframe. This marks a significant step in making health insurance more accessible, particularly for those at higher risk of contracting the disease.
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