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Summary: Former Tennis Star Sued For Taxes (Press, 29 December 1984)
On 29 December 1984, American federal officials initiated a civil suit against transsexual tennis player and eye doctor, Renee Richards, to recover back taxes. The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court in Manhattan by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which noted that Richards owed $523,549 (equivalent to $48,510 NZD) in unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest as of 13 December 1984. The complaint, filed by Assistant United States Attorney Jordan Stanzler, specified that Richards had not paid adequate taxes for the years 1974, 1977, and 1979. Renee Richards, who is now 50 years old, was born Richard Raskind and underwent a sex change operation in 1975. Following her transition, she competed in women's professional tennis for several years and later served as a coach for renowned tennis player Martina Navratilova. Richards withdrew from professional tennis in 1983. In response to the lawsuit, Richards’ lawyer, Edmund Mendrala, characterised the case as a “normal, routine disagreement” regarding record-keeping rather than a major legal issue.
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