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Summary: Claims Amaze Mr Lange (Press, 28 November 1984)
On 28 November 1984, Prime Minister David Lange addressed concerns raised by opponents of a United Nations convention aimed at banning discrimination against women. Critics claimed that the convention would lead to the legalisation of homosexual marriage and other extreme outcomes, prompting Lange to express his astonishment at the “misinformation” being propagated. He characterised the opponents' submissions as filled with “prejudice, misconceptions and downright dishonesty,” claiming it was the worst he had encountered in his eight years as a parliamentarian. Lange referenced bizarre allegations made by some, including suggestions that the convention would result in a ban on the Bible within households. He dismissed these claims as “extraordinary wrong statements,” emphasising that it was vital for New Zealanders, given their history of human rights legislation, to support efforts that aim to empower women on a global scale. He articulated that the ratification of the convention would signify New Zealand's commitment to improving the lives of women and enhancing their roles in society, moving away from historical treatment of women as subordinate figures. The Prime Minister assured that ratifying the convention would not directly alter New Zealand's domestic laws. He indicated that the Government planned to proceed with ratification following discussions with the governments of Niue and the Cook Islands, believing it could be completed by the end of the year or early the following year. Overall, Lange conveyed optimism and a belief in New Zealand's potential to contribute positively to international efforts against discrimination, particularly concerning women's rights.
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