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Summary: Council’s Gay Rights Package Costly (Press, 28 November 1984)
A report advocating for the public expression of affection among homosexual individuals has been approved by Leftwing councillors in Hackney Borough, a notably impoverished area of East London. The report, cited by the "Daily Mail," argues that homosexual men and women should feel free to kiss and hold hands in public without fear of ridicule. It also calls for the implementation of policies to enhance the rights of homosexual individuals, especially in regards to bereavement or illness of partners, suggesting they should be entitled to special leave comparable to that of married couples. The report includes proposals that would require landscaping specific areas of parks for homosexual individuals, complete with wardens to prevent harassment from heterosexuals. The financial undertaking for these proposals is estimated to be at least £1 million (approximately NZ$2.56 million), as approved by the council's leisure committee. Furthermore, the proposals emphasise the importance of creating inclusive environments, recommending initiatives such as encouraging homosexuals to work with children and designating specific "gay only" days at baths and sports centres. In addition to these initiatives, the report suggests hiring a dedicated “gays-only” librarian and discouraging anti-homosexual jokes in public performances. It also recommends the inclusion of literature for children that features stories about those with homosexual parents. These developments have elicited mixed reactions, with Conservative councillor Mr Bernard Lansman voicing his concerns that implementing such measures could subject the council to significant criticism and ridicule. The Hackney council has recently faced legal challenges, being fined £10,000 (about NZ$25,600) for neglecting to conduct repairs in a tenant's house. A judge labelled the council's actions as “oppressive” towards its tenants. Additionally, another High Court judge condemned the council for its practice of holding “secret” meetings, which excluded opposition councillors. The court ruled that this practice was unlawful and required the council to cover legal costs of approximately £10,000. These controversies surrounding the Hackney Borough Council highlight the tensions between progressive policies aimed at inclusivity for homosexual individuals and the council's existing governance issues and legal troubles. Currently, discussions around these proposals continue, alongside criticism of the council's overall transparency and conduct towards its community.
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