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Summary: Debate On Jesus (Press, 31 October 1984)
A letter published on 31 October 1984 by Paul Maling explores the idea of Jesus Christ's sexual orientation, particularly considering the question of whether Jesus was homosexual. Maling presents several points to support a discussion around this topic, beginning with the observation that homosexual responsiveness is part of mammalian sexuality and that homosexuality has been present throughout human history. He notes that only the Hebrews and Zoroastrians completely rejected homosexuality, contrasting this with the acceptance of it among ancient Mediterranean societies. Maling argues that Jesus consistently rejected Judaic laws that conflicted with his message of love, pointing to examples such as his acts of healing on the Sabbath. He questions whether denying Jesus' potential homosexual responsiveness would limit the universality of his love. Citing the Apostle John—referred to as "the disciple whom Jesus loved," who had a close bond with Jesus—Maling highlights John's definition of love as one shown through action and truth. He also notes a significant distinction: Jesus, in contrast to Paul, did not condemn homosexuality, which was widespread among the non-Jewish communities around him. Maling calls for a reconsideration of traditional views on Jesus' sexuality and the implications this may have on the understanding of love in a broader, more inclusive context.
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