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Summary: Opinions In Book 'amount To Heresy’ (Press, 31 October 1984)
On 31 October 1984, a significant controversy emerged within the Auckland Presbyterian Church concerning the views of former minister Mr Rinny Westra. In his newly released book, "The Faith of a Radical," Westra challenges essential tenets of Christianity, such as the nature of the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the significance of the Resurrection. He argues that Christians should support homosexual liberation as a broader commitment to human freedom and advocate for more inclusive understandings of family structures beyond the traditional nuclear family. Westra criticises contemporary Christianity for its conservatism, branding certain attitudes towards war and industrial development as sinful, particularly when they disregard environmental conservation. He envisions a radical reform of church services, proposing the elimination of conventional practices like worship, baptism, and Holy Communion. Instead, Westra suggests implementing silence in prayer, reserving hymns and prayers until all sexist language—references such as "King," "Kingdom," and "Father"—are eradicated from worship. In light of his beliefs, Westra calls for Christians to engage in the struggles of various social movements, including feminism, Marxism, homosexual rights, trade unions, and the peace movement, signifying a departure from the traditional evangelical approach. This perspective has elicited strong condemnation from the current Moderator of the Auckland Presbytery, Rev. Jim Gunn. Gunn deems Westra's assertions as heretical, pointing out that they fundamentally contradict widely accepted Christian doctrines. Despite the severity of Gunn's criticism, he notes that the Church has a history of tolerance and patience with divergent views. He expresses doubt that Westra's statements would lead to formal charges of heresy, unlike the case in 1967 when Professor Lloyd Geering faced similar accusations for his controversial ideas. Gunn highlights the difference in their situations, stating that Geering was a prominent figure in the theological community, while Westra is merely a member of a congregation with no substantial influence. Overall, this exchange reflects a tension within the church regarding the interpretation of faith in light of modern societal changes, with Westra advocating for radical reform and inclusion, while traditionalists like Gunn stand firm on established doctrines.
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