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Summary: A.I.D.S. Victim Kept Under Surveillance (Press, 20 October 1984)
On 20 October 1984, it was reported that the Health Department in Wellington is monitoring a 27-year-old individual diagnosed with A.I.D.S. who has recently arrived from Sydney. According to Dr Ellie Garden, the Medical Officer of Health, the man is not in need of hospitalisation. She indicated that the risk to the public in Wellington is low, provided the man refrains from sexual activity and does not attempt to donate blood. Dr Garden observed that A.I.D.S. primarily affects homosexual men and noted that while people cannot be guaranteed complete safety—similar to the common cold—the possibility of transmission in this case remains minimal. Dr Garden explained that A.I.D.S. is a viral infection that compromises the immune system, leaving individuals vulnerable to other diseases, with a chance of recovery from these ailments being uncertain. She stressed that the only potential "cure" lies in the body's ability to heal itself. Even if a patient manages to recover from an illness, the presence of the A.I.D.S. virus continues to pose a risk for subsequent infections. The Health Department's monitoring efforts followed the revelation from the A.I.D.S. Support Network, which aimed to prevent misinformation surrounding the individual. Dr Garden stated that the affected man is receiving support from this network, which encourages him to avoid engaging in activities that could spread the virus. It is noted that A.I.D.S. is a notifiable disease, and the man had proactively informed the Health Department about his arrival last week after receiving treatment in Sydney. The New South Wales health authorities had also notified Wellington health officials of his plans to return to New Zealand, which meant his arrival was anticipated.
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