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Summary: Attitude To A.I.D.S. A Threat, Says Expert (Press, 11 October 1984)
On 11 October 1984, an expert in the psychology of A.I.D.S., Mr. David Miller, expressed concerns regarding the New Zealand Government's complacent approach towards the potential A.I.D.S. epidemic. Speaking in Auckland, Miller, who is based at St Mary’s Hospital in London, warned that the current "head-in-the-sand" mentality could jeopardise efforts to control the disease in New Zealand. He pointed out that while smaller organisations, such as the A.I.D.S. Support Network, were actively working to raise awareness of A.I.D.S., the Government and medical authorities were not taking sufficient action. Miller emphasised the need for urgent measures, recommending the establishment of a diagnostic resource link with the United States and the monitoring of high-risk individuals within New Zealand. He noted that the Health Department had a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of the US and London before the country faced a significant number of A.I.D.S. cases. Miller alluded to a previous situation in London, where the number of A.I.D.S. cases had doubled every six months, suggesting that New Zealand could face a similar situation if proactive steps were not taken. Additionally, Bruce Burnett, co-ordinator of the A.I.D.S. Support Network, announced that Auckland was expected to see the opening of its first clinic specifically for homosexually transmitted diseases within the next month. This development highlighted growing awareness and action at the community level, contrasting with the perceived inaction of governmental bodies. The alarm raised by Miller underscored the urgency of tackling A.I.D.S. as a public health issue in New Zealand.
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