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Summary: . . . And Six Milking Cows (Press, 14 September 1984)
On 14 September 1984, a discussion took place in the Australian Parliament regarding the eligibility of removal expenses for a Texan homosexual who might move to Australia to be with his boyfriend considering a job application with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (A.B.C.). Communications Minister Mr Michael Duffy addressed the House, clarifying that the recent extension of staff entitlements for married and de facto relationships to include homosexual partners did not apply to the scenario presented by Tasmanian Liberal backbencher Mr Ray Groom. In Groom's letter, which he read aloud during a Budget debate, he mentioned a recent gay convention he attended in the United States and the implications for his boyfriend, who would potentially relocate from Texas. Groom's playful remarks noted that the boyfriend would need financial assistance to transfer personal belongings, such as a grand piano and six milking cows, which he referred to as part of the family. The situation he described included the necessity for the boyfriend to travel first class in the non-smoking section due to his fragile health, prompting laughter from those present in the House. Mr Duffy clarified that the A.B.C.'s policy of providing financial support for transfer and removal expenses was not applicable to the case presented, stating that such situations would have to be managed by individuals themselves. He asserted that the extension of entitlements was "totally unrelated" to Groom's circumstances, reinforcing the idea that not all personal relocations would qualify for assistance under the new guidelines set by the A.B.C.
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