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Summary: A.I.D.S. Question (Press, 12 September 1984)
In a letter published on 12 September 1984, P.S. Watson expresses agreement with V.J. Gaddes, who had previously commented on A.I.D.S. Watson suggests that A.I.D.S. could be viewed as nature's way of addressing human actions that defy its laws. He advocates for an understanding of the power of nature and proposes the creation of a "religion" that emphasises respect for natural laws. According to Watson, such understanding would contribute to making the world a better place. In contrast, Christopher J. Topp responds to Gaddes's views, highlighting the contradictions in interpreting sexual behaviour as both a private choice and a violation of nature. Topp argues that nature offers individuals various choices regarding sexual behaviour, with inherent advantages and disadvantages. He points out that Gaddes’s argument fails to consider other groups affected by A.I.D.S., like drug users and Haitians, implying that it is inappropriate to categorise their situations as violations of nature. Topp’s viewpoint suggests a broader understanding of the complexities surrounding A.I.D.S. beyond just the context of homosexuality.
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