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Summary: A.I.D.S. Blood Test Soon (Press, 1 August 1984)
A blood-screening test for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is anticipated to become available in New Zealand within a year, according to Dr Graeme Woodfield, the director of the Auckland Blood Transfusion Service. The decision to develop this test comes in the wake of a scare in Australia, where it was discovered that at least 30 individuals may have received blood transfusions from an AIDS carrier. Dr Woodfield reassured the public that none of the contaminated blood products had entered New Zealand. The Auckland Blood Transfusion Service is currently working on a basic screening technique specifically for AIDS. Dr Woodfield stated that commercial testing reagents should be available from the United States within six months to a year. He expressed optimism that once these reagents arrive, the service would be able to implement the testing swiftly. Initial plans indicate that the centre will likely test all 80,000 blood donations received in the first year of the new testing procedure. Dr Woodfield noted that the service has received considerable support from the homosexual community, which has been the group most affected by AIDS overseas. The community has been advised not to donate blood until more information about the disease's transmission is available. This proactive approach is intended to safeguard blood transfusions in New Zealand and prevent any similar situations that occurred in Australia, ultimately enhancing public health and safety regarding blood donation practices.
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