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Summary: Lesbian Guide Allowed (Press, 23 May 1984)
On 23 May 1984, the Indecent Publications Tribunal in New Zealand granted permission for a dictionary titled "The Joy of Lesbian Sex," which had been seized by the Customs Department in Nelson the previous June, to be made available to individuals aged 18 and older. The decision, chaired by Judge Willis, came after the tribunal reviewed the 220-page hardcover book last November. The tribunal described the publication as an explicit dictionary and referred to it as a comprehensive guide to lesbianism. In its official decision published in the latest Gazette, the tribunal praised the book for its quality, stating it was "well written, informative, and well presented." It noted that the subject matter was handled sensitively under each heading, and when compared to other manuals addressing lesbianism, "The Joy of Lesbian Sex" was deemed to be of a superior standard. Importantly, the tribunal acknowledged that lesbianism is not deemed illegal, and therefore, the publication could not be classified as indecent solely on that basis. However, due to the presence of some illustrations within the text, the tribunal determined that access should be restricted to adults aged 18 and over.
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