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Summary: Psychology Novel, Or Essay? (Press, 10 March 1984)
Wayne Innes' first novel, "The Department," published by Linden Publishing in 1983, is reviewed by Ken Strongman, who notes that while the book shows glimpses of talent, it ultimately feels like a rough debut. The novel is set in a psychology department at a Sydney university, where it features a cast of exaggerated archetypes, including a head of department obsessed with his own theories, a cynical and drunken bisexual, and various other stereotypical characters. The story centres around Valkyr, a Swedish-American sexologist determined to promote lesbian domination, who enters this dysfunctional environment of inadequacy. The protagonist, portrayed as a sensible narrator, attempts to navigate the absurdities around him, which Strongman suggests mirrors Innes' self-image as an author. Despite moments of humour reminiscent of Tom Sharpe, the novel struggles with coherence and depth. Strongman describes it as a book that, while encouraging, requires substantial revision to reach its potential. He indicates that Innes has not yet established a unique writing style, resulting in a narrative that gives the impression of having been hastily written. Overall, the review portrays "The Department" as a work filled with promise but needing refinement and more thoughtful development.
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