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Summary: Cologne Police Find General’s 'double’ (Press, 16 January 1984)
On 16 January 1984, it was reported that Cologne police found a lookalike of General Guenter Kiessling, who was recently forced into retirement under suspicion of homosexuality. The allegation arose after the general, aged 58, had been linked to various homosexual venues in Cologne, including the "Tom-Tom" bar and "Cafe Wuestern." Despite these claims, General Kiessling has firmly denied any homosexual relationships and has requested a confrontation with his doppelganger, who had been identified by witnesses. The investigation into the general was originally led by the West German Military Counter-Espionage, which was later transferred to local police. Authorities reportedly collected evidence by presenting photographs of Kiessling. However, the evidence against him was deemed insufficient for any formal action. In a prominent newspaper, "Bild Am Sonntag," it was stated that Kiessling's retirement was attributed to "security" concerns. The Defence Ministry plans to brief the Bundestag Defence Committee about the contents of the dossier regarding Kiessling, with the potential for public disclosure following this meeting. Defence Ministry spokesman Colonel Juergen Riechardt mentioned that Defence Minister Mr Woerner possessed enough justification to retire General Kiessling, separate from the reports of sightings in the homosexual bar. The situation has sparked outrage from the opposition Social Democratic Party, which has called for Mr Woerner to resign. Critics are questioning how a high-ranking N.A.T.O. general, known for an unblemished career, could suddenly be viewed as a security risk. The unfolding events reflect broader issues of discrimination and the scrutiny of personal lives within the military amidst the tensions of the Cold War era.
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