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Summary: Poll Favours Pre-marital Sex (Press, 15 December 1983)
A poll released on 15 December 1983 indicates a growing acceptance among American women regarding premarital sex, though a significant majority still disapprove of extramarital affairs. The survey, conducted for "Glamour" magazine and featured in its January issue, revealed that two-thirds of women aged 18 to 24 view premarital sex as acceptable. In stark contrast, only about one-third of women over the age of 55 share this sentiment. Over the past year, disapproval of premarital sex has decreased from 51 per cent to 44 per cent among women of all ages. The poll also found that a substantial 80 per cent of women disapprove of extramarital sex. This disapproval is strong among married women, with almost 85 per cent opposed, while 69 per cent of single women also express disapproval. Additionally, when examining views on homosexuality, 55 per cent of the 1,000 women surveyed, aged 18 to 65, believe that homosexuality should not be recognised as an alternative lifestyle. However, acceptance varies significantly among different religious groups: 82 per cent of self-identified Jews are accepting of the homosexual lifestyle, compared to just under half of Catholics and about a third of Protestants. On the subject of abortion, 71 per cent of respondents considered it a woman's right, albeit with a slight decrease in those who felt strongly about that right. Furthermore, an overwhelming 73 per cent deemed it acceptable for an unmarried woman to have and raise children independently. Nevertheless, a majority, at 81 per cent, believe that following a divorce, a woman should not “automatically” receive custody of her children, indicating nuanced views on motherhood and family rights among the women surveyed.
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