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Summary: A.I.D.S. (Press, 2 December 1983)
In a letter to the editor, Varian J. Wilson expresses concern over the potential spread of the killer condition known as A.1.D.5. (later known as AIDS) in New Zealand. Although a doctor suggests that the disease is unlikely to spread widely in the country due to its higher incidence among homosexuals with multiple sexual partners—behaviour considered uncommon in New Zealand—Wilson argues that this assessment may lead to a dangerous misconception of security. He points out that homosexual activity can be inherently compulsive, often resulting in extreme promiscuity within urban areas. Wilson critiques the idea that homosexuals can simply resolve the issue by committing to a single partner, as he believes this advice is both unrealistic and disregards the complexities of social and sexual dynamics. He warns that A.1.D.5. can be transmitted through methods beyond what some might label as "criminal perversion," indicating that the virus poses a risk to the broader public. He highlights the need for vigilance until a definitive treatment is found, noting that the virus may spread through various bodily fluids and potentially through insect vectors such as mosquitoes. Wilson's letter reflects a heightened awareness of the implications of the disease and urges caution in the face of emerging health threats.
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