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Summary: Lack Of Legislative Rights Anger Gays (Press, 17 August 1983)
On 17 August 1983, Mr Hugh Gaw, the general secretary of the National Gay Rights Coalition, expressed a need for greater progress in securing legal rights for homosexual men and lesbians in New Zealand. He highlighted the limited advancements made since the establishment of the country's gay rights movement 11 years ago, indicating a rise in feelings of anger and frustration among activists. Gaw specifically pointed to the recent ban on homosexual men donating blood, implemented due to concerns surrounding acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), as a catalyst for this frustration. He noted that a call from an Auckland activist to disregard the ban until discriminatory laws were addressed further exemplified the discontent within the gay community regarding how they are treated by society. While Gaw acknowledged understanding the motivations behind such drastic actions, he made it clear that he could not support the proposed strategy to ignore the blood donation ban. He remarked on the disparity in societal expectations, which assumes that gay men should shoulder the same responsibilities as others, despite being denied equal rights and protections. Gaw also mentioned that the coalition has reached out to the Minister of Health, Mr Malcolm, seeking clarity on the government's plans to enhance the rights of lesbians and homosexual men. The issues of legal rights and societal acceptance remain pressing concerns for the gay rights movement in New Zealand during this period.
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