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Summary: Rape Defence Rejected (Press, 5 August 1983)
On 5 August 1983, a San Diego court found Clifford Stone, a 30-year-old man, guilty of manslaughter in the death of 30-year-old Rosemarie McNeil. The incident occurred in 1980, and Stone claimed he acted in self-defence after McNeil allegedly raped him and threatened his life. His lawyer argued that Stone bludgeoned McNeil with a stone out of fear and terror following the assault. During the trial, it was highlighted that Stone identified as a homosexual at the time of the incident. The Superior Court jury convicted Stone not only of manslaughter but also for the use of a deadly weapon. As a result, he could face a sentence of up to seven years in prison. Legal experts suggested that this case might be the first in California where a man attempted to use rape as a basis for a self-defence claim. Additionally, Dr Philip Sarrel, a professor of gynaecology, testified at the trial that he had documented 12 instances of women raping men, bringing to light a rarely discussed aspect of sexual violence.
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