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Summary: Six Groups Urged Not To Give Blood (Press, 6 July 1983)
On 6 July 1983, the Victorian Red Cross Blood Bank issued a new leaflet warning specific community groups about the potential risks of donating blood due to the threat of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a serious and often fatal disease. Dr Jack Morris, the director of the blood bank, stated that individuals who identify as belonging to any of the outlined high-risk groups should refrain from giving blood donations. AIDS, a recently identified condition, dramatically reduces a person's ability to fight off infections and currently has no known cure. The leaflet provided a detailed description of six groups identified as being at higher risk of contracting the disease. These groups included individuals exhibiting symptoms such as severe night sweats, unexplained fevers, significant weight loss, and persistent swollen glands. Among the high-risk categories were homosexual or bisexual men with multiple sexual partners, sexual contacts of those showing symptoms of AIDS, individuals previously diagnosed with immune deficiencies, current or former intravenous drug users, and recent immigrants from Haiti and various African nations. Dr Morris emphasized that while not all individuals in these high-risk categories are carriers of the AIDS virus, the lack of reliable screening techniques necessitated a precautionary approach. He urged anyone who may be at risk to voluntarily abstain from donating blood to prevent the potential spread of the disease. This public health initiative reflected growing concerns surrounding AIDS, its transmission, and its impact on public health safety.
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