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Summary: Old ‘penthouse’ Issues Banned (Press, 24 March 1983)
On 24 March 1983, the Indecent Publications Tribunal in New Zealand issued a ban on seven specific issues of the American edition of "Penthouse" from 1982 as well as the January 1983 issue. Additionally, five issues from 1982, along with the February and March 1983 editions, were deemed indecent for individuals under the age of 18. Some of these publications had already been sold in New Zealand prior to the tribunal's ruling. In its judgment, the tribunal, led by Chairman Judge Willis, provided guidance on the likely future classification of new issues of "Penthouse." The tribunal indicated that forthcoming editions would probably be classified as indecent if they included specific content, such as scenes featuring more than two models, particularly those containing elements of sex and violence, intimacy, or deviant sexual behaviour among the models. It also noted that multiple model scenes depicting lesbian acts or heterosexual scenarios showing a significant degree of intimacy—like oral sex or intercourse—would likely fall under the indecent classification. Moreover, the tribunal rejected an application from the Customs Department seeking to impose an age restriction of 18 for "Penthouse" for the next two years, suggesting a more stringent view towards the content of the magazine had been established in line with community standards and values regarding indecency.
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